Red Lion Inn near Boulder, Colorado, October 21, 1993

          Present: Hunten (chair), Belton, de Bergh, de Pater, Goguen, Kostiuk, Miller, Moreno, Orton, Prangee, Schneider, Spencer, Thomas, Wells.

          The group convened at 6:30. The first action was to ratify the new Working Group chairs, who had been elected at WG meetings during the week. They are:

Old New
Atmosphere Orton Orton
Aurora Kostiuk Prange
Lab-Theory Wells Wells
Magnetosphere de Pater Bolton
Satellites Goguen Spencer
Torus Schneider Thomas

          Thanks were expressed to the retiring chairs, and congratulations to the new ones.

          Hunten then polled those present for agenda items, which were as follows.

          Annapolis Publication -- Kostiuk reported that most of the papers will appear in this month's issue of JGR-Planets and a few laggards in a later issue. They will be collected into a reprint volume which will be made available to the community, with extra copies for future distribution. Kostiuk had written a summary which was not deemed suitable for JGR, and it was agreed that EOS would be a suitable place to publish it.

          Comet-Jupiter Crash -- Hunten reported that he had been asked to serve on A'Hearn's coordinating committee, which also includes Russell, de Bergh, McGrath, Beebe, and West. There had been some initial concern that the group would have too strong an emphasis on the cometary aspect of the event, but it was agreed that Jupiter in general, and IJW in particular, were adequately represented.

          IJW Advocate -- Nick Schneider has been asked several times to make IJW- related presentations to the Galileo PSG and to NASA MOWGs. It was suggested that we might appoint someone specifically to serve such a function. A related function might be press representation. After considerable discussion, it was agreed that Hunten would be empowered to make an appointment, and that other SC members would try to think of suggestions. In the meantime, it was pointed out that much of this activity could probably be carried out by the new DPS press officer, Nadine Barlow. Hunten will discuss this with her.

          Ring WG? -- With the inclusion of Saturn in the IJW, there would be some value in adding another WG. In discussion it was pointed out that rings do not vary much, and it was agreed for now to include this discipline in the Satellites WG. Spencer will inquire of the community whether this solution is considered satisfactory.

          Data Archiving -- After discussion, it was agreed that IJW has no interest in managing an archive. For the comet crash it is likely that some arrangements will come out of A'Hearn's organization. For other activities the Planetary Data System is probably the best vehicle.

          Post-Galileo Workshop -- Such a workshop would be valuable in early 1997, about a year after Galileo encounter and five years after the Annapolis meeting. Having it near superior conjunction will assure minimal competition from observing programs. It was suggested that the workshop might reasonably be organized and supported by the Galileo Project, and Belton agreed to pursue the idea.

          Facilitation of Equipment Export/Import -- In the past, there have been difficulties with sending equipment (e.g. a CCD camera and PC based controller) to some foreign countries. Orton suggested that IJW might be able to use its good offices to facilitate this. Without more details about what the problems actually are in a post-USSR world, or about what IJW might actually be able to do, the SC took no action.

          WG Reports -- Each chair gave a short summary of the highlights from their meetings during the week.

          Adjournment -- The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:40 so that those present could attend the DPS business meeting.

          Many thanks to Nick Schneider for making the arrangements.

D.M. Hunten
Chair, IJW Steering Committee