Tucson, October 25, 1996

          Present: D. Hunten, R. Beebe, M. Belton, S. Bolton, I. de Pater, S. Miller, G. Orton, R. Prange, C. Russell, N. Spencer, N. Thomas.

          Glenn Orton has retired as AWG Chair and is replaced by Reta Beebe.

          Nick Thomas wants to retire as Torus WG chair. Mike Brown was suggested as his replacement. It was agreed that Nick should be asked to stay on the SC as a national representative.

          Spencer announced that the Satellite WG intends to have a 2-day Io meeting in Flagstaff, about October 1997.

          Prange announced that the Auroral WG also expects to have a meeting early next year. The original intention was to have it adjacent to the April magneto- sphere meeting in Boulder, but it was pointed out that an earlier date would be more useful for Galileo planning. The second half of January was suggest- ed. Beebe suggested a Web conference, with a core of people in one place.

          Russell asked whether the interface with Galileo has been satisfactory. Several people expressed praise for the distributions made by Spencer, but it became clear that additional material would be desirable. Bolton agreed to be responsible for making some available, but pointed out that there is a lot of red tape involved in putting it on a JPL computer. UCLA was suggested as an alternative, and Russell agreed. It was recognized that the limited Galileo workforce would not be able to keep all the latest news on a Web site; but it was agreed that information on preliminary plans would still be very useful. Examples are the one-page summary sheets for each orbit, and possibly the Orbit Planning Guides (OPG).

          WG Reports (other material appears above):

          Satellites (Spencer): Mutual events have already started, and good ones will occur from March until the end of 1997. His e-mailing list is about 200 (this number seems to be typical for most of the other WG's).

          Magnetosphere (Bolton): Are thinking of a major conference, probably with Ruecker as chair.

          Atmospheres (Orton): See above.

          Aurora (Prange): See above.

          Torus (Thomas): See above.

          Lab-theory: Has been inactive for years, and Kent Wells is no longer in the planetary business after moving away from Arizona. Abolition was suggest- ed, but another idea was to work with Ken Fox's annual pre-DPS symposium. Perhaps IJW could offer Ken some help, such as suggesting a vice-chair. [My notes on this item are sparse; if anyone has suggestions I'd be glad to receive them.]